Registering For Work In Malta & Managing your finances

Registering For Work In Malta & Managing your finances
Updated on
February 13, 2023

Registering for work with jobplus alerts members of potential job opportunities when they arise. It also prepares job seekers in various ways to make sure that they exploit employment opportunities to the fullest. If you are in need of employment, you can start by registering on the service. Registering for work on the platform shows that you are keen on undertaking activities that will enhance your capabilities as a candidate. If a job seeker in Malta is needed, Jobsplus sends out alerts to its members. You only require internet access to stay updated about the latest job vacancies.

Advisory services are also part of the resources that Jobsplus provides for job seekers. You will get to work with an employment advisor who will help you make the most of the available training opportunities. The job search process can be complicated, particularly if you are new in Malta. An employment advisor will offer guidance in navigating the job market so that you can land something suitable.

The Registration Process

During the initial registration at Jobsplus, you get a magnetic card that you can use for subsequent registration. The card contains your fingerprint details. Jobsplus provides information on when you can register next, which are printed on a chit. You can expect to get this printout everything you complete the registration process successfully. The chit also contains any news that Jobsplus may want job seekers to know about like training seminars, job fairs or employment courses. Interviews with employers or Jobsplus are also found in this document. For this reason, you must read the printout carefully to see if you are required to attend any event. A member who doesn’t show up for events or carry out mandatory activities will be removed from the Jobsplus roster because it is assumed that you are no longer an interested job seeker. The Jobsplus employment advisor you are working with expects feedback on any job interview that you take.

Unemployment Benefits

Various social security benefits are available for unemployed individuals, and you may be entities to some. After completing Jobsplus’ Part 1 Register, the service sends an application for Unemployment Benefits to the Department of Social Security. The department will then organise NI credits and social benefits for an unemployed person. However, registration on Part 1 is not a guarantee that you will receive social benefits.

Disadvantaged Persons

Jobsplus caters to the needs of individuals in disadvantaged situations with specialised schemes. Disadvantaged persons refer to individuals dealing with various social challenges such as intellectual and physical disabilities, former incarceration, mental illness, substance abuse and long-term unemployment.

Looking After Your Finances

Managing your finances is critical when you are out of work because you have to make every cent count. You can do that by making sure that any income you are entitled to such as social benefits is received in time. You can use the Benefits Finder application to help you learn which benefits are due to you, depending on your circumstances. The tool also assists how to apply for different benefits.

Credit card use should be minimal and if possible, don’t use it at all. Try to restrict all your payments to cash.

Negotiate with creditors so that they don’t come after you when you are out of employment. Explain that you are working on seeking employment and will resume payment soon and ask them to forgo interest rates and late fees.

Learn how to prioritise spending. The rent or mortgage, utilities and food should always come first when making your monthly budget. Medicine and transportation come next. Once you have these covered, you can split the remaining income among your other expenses.

Debt counselling services from private organisations can offer great help with managing your finances. My Money Box from MFSA and the Budget Calculator are tools you can use to make your money management less complicated.

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Facilitating a move to Malta is seamless when you rely on the Welcome Center Malta. Established in 2016 with the sole objective of helping people make an effortless move to the island, Welcome Center Malta aims to reduce the challenges involved in settling, moving and establishing local contacts.