Value Added Tax

Value Added Tax

Get to know the VAT regulation in Malta
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Understanding Maltese Taxation for Expats

Understanding Maltese Taxation for Expats

Discover Malta's tax advantages for expats, including reduced rates and tax-free foreign income. Learn strategic planning tips to maximize your benefits and navigate the Maltese taxation system effectively. Perfect for expats seeking financial efficiency in Malta.

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Maximizing Tax Benefits: Company Formation in Malta

If you're considering company formation in Malta, it's important to understand the tax implications that come with it. Malta is known for its favorable tax laws and business-friendly environment, but it's essential to have a good understanding of the tax implications before making a decision. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about the tax implications of company formation in Malta and how to maximize your tax benefits.

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Demystifying Tax in Malta: A Guide for Business Owners

If you're looking to establish a business in Malta, it's important to understand the country's tax system. Taxes in Malta can be complex, with different types of taxes, incentives, and deductions to consider. To help you navigate this maze of tax regulations, we've put together a comprehensive guide for business owners.

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VAT Return In Malta – A Detailed Overview

if you’re looking for information about VAT return Malta, you will find everything you need in this straightforward and easy to understand guide.

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VAT in Malta - How To Apply & Register?

In 1998 a law was introduced requiring those responsible for operating businesses, or people who are self-employed in Malta to submit details to their Value Added Tax (VAT) Department. If you want to apply for VAT in Malta the information provided here will help you navigate your way through the steps you need to take and what to do if you are applying for VAT.

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VAT Malta - FAQ on Transaction and Value Added Tax

In Malta, the allowable rate of the VAT is 18%. However, a reduced VAT rate of 7% also exists and applies to tourism accommodation. The only resorts or hotels that can benefit from this reduction must be authorised by the Tourism Authority of Malta. There is also another reduced rate of 5% that applies to medical services and equipment, electricity, arts, printed materials and cultural events.

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Vat Registration Types In Malta - Article 10, 11 or 12?

The VAT Act governs Malta’s value-added tax. It works hand in hand with its subsidiary legislation, which is concerned with company and individual VAT registration. As per the law, natural people and legal organisations that carry out economic activities are taxable. There are different registration types in Malta. Below are some activities that are categorised under the supply of goods and products and, therefore, liable for VAT.

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About us
Facilitating a move to Malta is seamless when you rely on the Welcome Center Malta. Established in 2016 with the sole objective of helping people make an effortless move to the island, Welcome Center Malta aims to reduce the challenges involved in settling, moving and establishing local contacts.