
Find open vacancies and information about working in Malta

Available Jobs In Malta And Relocation Assistance

Open vacancies in Malta! Facilitating a move to Malta is seamless when you rely on us. We reduce the challenges involved in getting hired for the right job, moving, settling and establishing local contacts.

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How to Become a Real Estate Agent in Malta - Full Guide

How to Become a Real Estate Agent in Malta - Full Guide

The azure waters, the rich history, and the Mediterranean charm; Malta is not just a dream vacation destination but also a hotbed for real estate investments. With a growing economy and an influx of expatriates, the demand for homes, offices, and vacation rentals is on the rise. So, how do you tap into this potential and become a real estate agent in Malta? Let's unravel the steps!

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Expats In Malta - Overview of the Maltese Employment Market

Malta has managed to avoid the volatility of the economic markets that have caused havoc in Southern Europe, which means that there are always a number of employment opportunities. The biggest opportunities to work are normally found in the high-end manufacturing, finance, commerce and tourism industries here, as well as some roles in the IT sector. An upcoming development is still under construction as well, entitled Smart City Malta. Here, Malta intend to have a regional base for software engineering, e-commerce and the rapidly expanding sector of iGaming .

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Expat Contract Negotiation - Factors to consider

Although there are impressive opportunities for foreigners, many countries are opting to hire homegrown talent. Therefore, foreigners have to be outstandingly better than the competition and sometimes willing to compromise a few demands. Nevertheless, there are still very important clauses in a foreigners contract, that should not be compromised.

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How the Rules and Regulations on Overtime in Malta Work

Rules on overtime vary by sector and are governed by the Wage Regulation Order (WRO) that applies to the particular activities you are carrying out. If your job or sector is not covered by a WRO, then the default overtime rate is 1.5 times your ordinary pay and will apply to any hours worked over 40 per week. However, this is averaged over a four-week period or shift cycle, so if you worked less than 40 hours in one week, it may affect your entitlement to overtime the next week.

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Work in Malta - The Work Culture & Labour Market

Settling into a new job is always a little nerve wracking, especially so when you are a family of expats and the new job is in a new country. The etiquette of work in Malta varies from company to company just as they do back home. But overall, the work culture tends to be very similar.

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Work In Malta - Essential Expat Information

It is not always easy to find work in Malta because of the limited range of job sectors on the island. Work permits can be issued by the Maltese government. However, the authorities must see evidence of a contract and letter of employment from your prospective employer. EU citizens must go through this same process. Malta gives preference to their own citizens over EU citizens. This came about after a seven-year transition from national sovereignty to EU status beginning in 2004. Malta gave priority to their own citizens during this time. This practice lasted longer than expected and still makes it difficult for non-citizens to find work. However, with some dedication and persistence, it is possible to find a job and experience life on the island.

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Registering For Work In Malta & Managing your finances

Registering for work with jobplus alerts members of potential job opportunities when they arise. It also prepares job seekers in various ways to make sure that they exploit employment opportunities to the fullest. If you are in need of employment, you can start by registering on the service. Registering for work on the platform shows that you are keen on undertaking activities that will enhance your capabilities as a candidate. If a job seeker in Malta is needed, Jobsplus sends out alerts to its members. You only require internet access to stay updated about the latest job vacancies.

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About us
Facilitating a move to Malta is seamless when you rely on the Welcome Center Malta. Established in 2016 with the sole objective of helping people make an effortless move to the island, Welcome Center Malta aims to reduce the challenges involved in settling, moving and establishing local contacts.